Mostra de recobriments del Golf

Mostra de recobriments del Golf

From November 24, 2025 until November 26, 2025

A Sharjah - Expo Center Sharjah, Sharjah, Emirats Àrabs Units

Publicat per Canton Fair Net

Gulf Coatings Mostra | Lideratge de continguts per a la indústria de recobriments de l'Orient Mitjà

CONTENT LEADERSHIP & SERVICE EXCELLENCEFOR THE MIDDLE-EAST COATINGS INDUSTRY. The best choice to expand your business in the Middle East. Impressions Gulf Coatings 2023. Gulf Coatings Show, 2023: Industry players. Coatingraw materials. Inks for printingraw materials. Adhesive raw materials. Construction chemicals intermediates. Production and laboratoryequipment. Equipment for testing and measuringequipment.

We have been responding to the desire of the industry for a high-quality, new business event in the Middle East since 2022. The Gulf Coatings Show is based on a world-class exhibition concept. It makes no compromises. A high-quality conference program, a targeted approach, and only inviting the most qualified trade visitors, and individual matchings of exhibitors and buyers are all part of the goal to provide our exhibitors with a quality platform for their business.

Si busqueu un espectacle d'Orient Mitjà centrat en els vostres objectius i aspiracions, aleshores el Gulf Coatings Show és la vostra millor opció. Contacta amb nosaltres per parlar de la teva participació per al 2025.

Ens va semblar força bé, ja que vam conèixer alguns bons contactes durant els dos primers dies. No només hem trobat nous clients, sinó també els nostres clients existents! "Tornarem l'any que ve, sens dubte!"

Dates de l'exposició24 - 26 de novembre de 2025 Horari d'oberturaDill, 24 de novembre de 2025: 10:00 a 5:00 Dimarts, 25 de novembre de 2025: 10:00 a 5:00 Dimecres, 26 de novembre de 2025: 10:00 a 3:00.