[Kansai] Smart house EXPO

[Kansai] Smart house EXPO

From September 11, 2024 until September 13, 2024

A Osaka - INTEX Osaka, Prefectura d'Osaka, Japó

Publicat per Canton Fair Net

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categories: Sector Tecnològic

etiquetes: Llit, Casa

Hits: 2095

スマートハウス EXPO|JAPAN BUILD-建築の先端技術展-

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Aquesta exposició comptarà amb habitatges IoT, panys intel·ligents i equips de seguretat. També inclourà HEMS, home networking, ZEH, etc. Es tracta d'una exposició especialitzada de cases intel·ligents a la qual assisteixen fabricants d'habitatges i oficines de disseny, així com empreses constructores i empreses de remodelació.

The 2024/05/02 [Osaka Exhibition special project] SKYSTAGE - outdoor exhibition of construction machines and robots has been releasedThe 2024/04/24 [newly established] ICT Civil Engineering Zone has been releasedThe Osaka Exhibition 2024-01-31: Highlights. Click here for detailsThe number of visitors to the Tokyo Exhibition for 2023/12/18 has been released.2023/12/15 Recruiting exhibitors! Request information by clicking here (for free)Release of the 2023/12/15 [Tokyo Exhibition] previous results report2023/12/15 Tokyo's exhibition period is over. We thank you for visiting and exhibiting with us.2023/09/01 Brand thoughts have been released.

Organitzem 90 exposicions en 39 àmbits diferents en grans fires comercials com Tokyo Big Sight i Makuhari Messe cada any. Aquests inclouen indústries com l'electrònica, la joieria, les ulleres i la medicina. Les fires internacionals se celebren regularment.

1. You can attract a large number of buyers to business negotiations2. We will be able to attract a large number of powerful buyers from abroad.3. We will not inflate the number of visitors.4. Many exhibitors coming from overseas5. Create a tradeshow where exhibitors can earn money6. Trade fairs will continue to grow in value as we develop our know-how and expertise.