Petit 1 Tolosa

Petit 1 Tolosa

From November 26, 2024 until November 26, 2024

A Labège - Centre de Congressos i Exposició Diagora, Occitània, França

Publicat per Canton Fair Net

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categories: Articles de puericultura

Hits: 1428

Inici » Petit 1 - Tolosa

Jornada de professionals de l'atenció a la primera infància. ETS UN PROFESSIONAL O INSTITUCIONAL DEL INDUSTRIA DE LA PRIMERA INFANCIA? LA NOSTRA PÀGINA DE FB. Zona d'exposició. Descans amistosos

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Inclou: Assistència a conferències i tallers; trobada amb expositors; cafè de benvinguda i dinars.

Reservat per a responsables de la presa de decisions del sector social i altre personal rellevant, inclosos directius, compradors, executius administratius i compradors:

Reconèixer l'altre és una acció dual que implica tant reconèixer-lo com respondre a les seves peticions de reconeixement. Els professionals de la primera infància reclamen des de fa anys aquest reconeixement. És inseparable de la importància, el gaudi i el significat que atorguen a la seva professió.

We know it! Be an educator, auxiliary, etc. It is not like any other profession. This is a profession that touches the human being, but even more so, its most vulnerable form and precious time, early childhood. It requires a mobilization of what is unique and deep, and goes beyond emotional intelligence. It is therefore essential that these professions are recognized, more so than in any other field, as they can help us to best understand and respond to toddlers.

While economic, political, and institutional actors recognize the importance to increase access to reception methods, both to reconcile professional and family lives, as well as fight against inequalities, or to promote the wellbeing of the child, to the extent of calling for the establishment of an early childhood public service (SPPE), they are slow in nourishing the substrate, which is the nutritional basis of reception. They therefore forget to recognise the professionals, even though there are still 10,000 who are missing.