

From March 24, 2026 until March 26, 2026

A Munic - Exposició Munic, Baviera, Alemanya

Publicat per Canton Fair Net


categories: Indústria de l'automòbil, Sector Enginyeria

etiquetes: ceràmica

Hits: 6079

Weltleitmesse für Keramikindustrie – Ceramitec

Innovacions Benvinguts a Ceramitec. Descobreix Ceramitec. Mostra la teva empresa! Subscriu-te al nostre butlletí

Des de fa dècades, Ceramitec és la teva plataforma per presentar solucions innovadores i desenvolupaments innovadors en el sector ceràmic. Som una fira líder per a la indústria ceràmica, que reuneix tots els sectors de la indústria i la ciència. Uneix-te a nosaltres per descobrir les últimes tecnologies, tendències i productes. Feu contactes valuosos i ajudeu a donar forma al futur de la indústria.

Podeu beneficiar-vos com a visitant de la fira.

Discover the following exhibition areas: modern production methods & innovative materials. Success is the leading trade show in the industry. Discover the latest technologies & trends.

Register as an exhibitor now and attend ceramitec, the leading ceramics trade fair in the world.

The key figures of ceramitec in 2024, held from April 9th through 12th at the Munich exhibition center, were 466, 33,000, and 13,000 respectively. A total of 466 A...

The ceramitec exhibition will be held at the Munich Exhibition Center in a few short days - between April 9th and 12th. Over 470 exhibitors from 38 countries will be present at the Munich exhibition center.

As usual, the conference program for the world's largest trade fair, ceramitec, from April 9th through 12th 2024, is diverse. For...

La ceràmica és una indústria en constant canvi. Subscriu-te al nostre butlletí i no et perdis mai les últimes novetats i tendències. Descobriu les últimes tecnologies, productes i esdeveniments a Ceramitec.