
AmE - L'automoció es troba amb l'electrònica 2024

AmE - L'automoció es troba amb l'electrònica
From March 14, 2024 until March 15, 2024
Dortmund - Messe Westfalenhallen Dortmund - Eingang Nord, Renània del Nord-Westfàlia, Alemanya
(Si us plau, comproveu les dates i la ubicació al lloc oficial a continuació abans d'assistir.)

AmE 2022 - L'automoció es troba amb l'electrònica

AmE 2022: Automotive meets Electronics You may also be interested in :

Westfalenhallen Dortmund Si us plau, especifiqueu "Strobelallee" 45 al sistema de navegació. Presa de Rhineland 20044139 Dortmund.

These topics are the focus of AmE 2022. Mobility of the future is the first topic, which addresses issues that arise from the new type of car usage in the future. The focus of the conference is connectivity, including privacy and security issues. The future of mobility is characterized by the move from mechanical to highly sophisticated electronic systems, with greater computational power. New operating systems and software will also be developed that include both classical algorithms today as well as those based on Artificial Intelligence/ MachinebLearning.

The second topic, Development Methodology, is dedicated to the innovative development chain. It covers functional safety as well as tests and validations & verification. The third topic, Technologies for the Future, addresses the tools that allow for the development of safe and secure services and software. AmE 2022 provides a forum for industry and academia alike to discuss and exchange technical ideas. This is a great platform to present the latest research and technical implementations in industry. The social events at the AmE proved that attendees had other interests besides technology.

Tenim moltes ganes de conèixer-vos a la Trobada d'Electrònica de l'Automòbil!

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Si us plau, registreu-vos al lloc web oficial d'AmE - Automotive meets Electronics

Mapa del lloc i hotels al voltant

Dortmund - Messe Westfalenhallen Dortmund - Eingang Nord, Renània del Nord-Westfàlia, Alemanya Dortmund - Messe Westfalenhallen Dortmund - Eingang Nord, Renània del Nord-Westfàlia, Alemanya


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