
EUA CBD Expo 2024

From May 18, 2024 until May 19, 2024
Medellín - Plaça Major, Antioquia, Colòmbia
(Si us plau, comproveu les dates i la ubicació al lloc oficial a continuació abans d'assistir.)

Alt Pro Evolution | Alt Pro Expo

L'ALT PRO Evolution Fort Lauderdale 2022. Fort Lauderdale 2023.

OUR EVOLUTIONYou're not lost if you were searching for Vape South America, USA CBD Expo or any other event. We've just evolved.THE ALT PRO EVOLVE2017Medellin 2017Our very first event in Colombia was held in front of a vibrant and lively audience. We look forward to returning in future years.2018Medellin, 2018After the success of Vape South America in Medellin we are back to host another successful event.Copenhagen 2018Yes we realize that Denmark isn't South America. After two wins in a row, we decided to go across the pond and conquer the European vape industry! It was the right decision!2019Paraguay, 2019We returned to South America and jumped right into the booming Paraguayan markets at Asuncion. We kicked our year off the best possible way!Medellin 2019We continue our presence in Latin America by visiting the City of the Eternal Spring, and its thriving market.Barcelona 2019After Copenhagen, Europe has left us wanting for more! We knew that Spain was our next destination because there are vape and smoking shops everywhere!Miami 2019After working in the vape industry for years and learning the increasing demand for a Cannabis focused event, we launched USA CBD Expo Miami in 2019.Peru 2019We ended our Latin American tour in Lima where we once again rocked a vibrant and enthusiastic market!

Hits: 2535

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Si us plau, registreu-vos al lloc web oficial de USA CBD Expo

Mapa del lloc i hotels al voltant

Medellín - Plaça Major, Antioquia, Colòmbia Medellín - Plaça Major, Antioquia, Colòmbia


Matteo Stuardi
col · laboració
Bon dia,
Permeteu-me presentar-me, sóc Matteo, propietari de CBDitta.com, m'agradaria oferir-vos una col·laboració pel que fa a l'intercanvi de productes CBD i potser fins i tot backlinks per fer créixer els dos llocs, què en penseu? Sóc un creador de contingut de bloc i podria escriure un article per a tu si enllaces al meu lloc.
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