
Nadal de plata 2024

Dies de Nadal de plata
From December 05, 2024 until December 08, 2024
Praga - PVA EXPO PRAHA, Praga, República Txeca
(Si us plau, comproveu les dates i la ubicació al lloc oficial a continuació abans d'assistir.)
categories: Arts & Crafts
etiquetes: màgia, Nadal

Stříbrné vánoční dny

Silver Christmas Days. SAVE YOUR VALENTINES DAY WITH OUR EXHIBITORS AT THE FOR BEAUTY FESTIVAL. Schminka, Czech Cosmetics from the FOR BEAUTY Trade Fair, are available at shopex.cz. Events calendar for 2024. Thank you to the exhibitors and partners of the fair. This year, the SILVER CHRISTMAS DAILIES FAIR will delight lovers of creativity and creation. WE START THURSDAY! The workshops will inspire you to create beautiful Christmas decorations and be creative.

You don't have the time to make your own Valentine? Never mind. Choose the best one for this wonderful opportunity. Shopex.cz has a special Valentine's Day deal from FOR BEAUTY partners.

Schminka is a Czech cosmetics brand that has been a partner at the FOR BEAUTY fair.

Cal anotar les dates dels actes als quals us agradaria assistir aquest any. Tens un ampli ventall d'opcions per triar. Us agraïm el vostre patrocini durant l'any passat. Estem orgullosos de ser el complex firal més modern i reeixit de la República Txeca. La república. Podeu descarregar-vos el calendari d'actes per al 2024 AQUÍ en format PDF.

Please accept my sincere thanks for being an exhibitor and partner of the STRIBRNE VANNOCI DAYS.

Accept se cordiallye thank you aacutei for your participation and contribution in relaxing atmosphere before Christmas at the fair.

Vintage this traditional event, this year, lovers of creativity, creating and delicacies, festive atmosphere and CUT BRNE DAYS. The fair was transformed into a wonderful Christmas party. The fair was a great place to celebrate Christmas with a festive atmosphere.

Hits: 1683

Inscriu-te a les entrades o estands

Si us plau, registreu-vos al lloc web oficial de Silver Christmas Days

Mapa del lloc i hotels al voltant

Praga - PVA EXPO PRAHA, Praga, República Txeca Praga - PVA EXPO PRAHA, Praga, República Txeca


800 Es queden caràcters