
Conferència i exposició de perforació de l'Orient Mitjà de l'IADC

Conferència i exposició de perforació de l'Orient Mitjà de l'IADC
From December 05, 2022 until December 06, 2022
Dubai - Sheraton Grand Hotel, Dubai, Dubai, Emirats Àrabs Units
(Si us plau, comproveu les dates i la ubicació al lloc oficial a continuació abans d'assistir.)
etiquetes: Perforació

IADC Drilling Middle East 2022 Conference & Exhibition - IADC.org

IADC Drilling Middle East Conference & Exhibition 2022. Photos From Last Event. 2021 Event Demographics. Registrants sorted by Job Title. Registrants by location. Registrants sorted by company type. This event will be advertised in the following industry publications media: We appreciate your support! The International Association of Drilling Contractors is a non-profit organisation. The IADC will invest the proceeds from the event in other initiatives that we create to help the drilling industry connect, share information, solve common problems, and find solutions to pressing issues around the globe. Participating in an IADC conference will help you improve and support your industry.

Despite the fact that the Middle East market has been resilient to the downturn, it continues to face difficulties in workforce development, drilling efficiency and safety, security and equipment maintenance.
The 2022 IADC Drilling Middle East Conference & Exhibition is a gathering of industry leaders and professionals who will discuss these issues and share their best practices. The conference will feature cutting-edge technology advancements, such as drilling automation. Case studies of technical achievements will also be presented. This premier event will also highlight new approaches to safety, training, and provide practical information about tools and processes that can improve HSE performance.

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Hits: 1849

Inscriu-te a les entrades o estands

Si us plau, registreu-vos al lloc web oficial de l'IADC Drilling Middle East Conference & Exhibition

Mapa del lloc i hotels al voltant

Dubai - Sheraton Grand Hotel, Dubai, Dubai, Emirats Àrabs Units Dubai - Sheraton Grand Hotel, Dubai, Dubai, Emirats Àrabs Units


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