
Exposició internacional de maquinària tèxtil de Tashkent 2027

Exposició internacional de maquinària tèxtil de Tashkent
From September 14, 2027 until September 16, 2027
Tashkent - Centre d'exposicions Uzekspocentre, província de Taixkent, Uzbekistan
(Si us plau, comproveu les dates i la ubicació al lloc oficial a continuació abans d'assistir.)

Exhibition of Fashion and Textile in Uzbekistan | TFT-Expo 2024 🧵

Tashkent Fashion Textile Exhibition. Every day counts down to the start. Book and prepare your stand as soon as possible:.

La indústria tèxtil s'ha unit! Tot en un sol lloc: fabricants, compradors i especialistes.

Production. Suppliers.Wholesale buyers in Asia and the CIS.

Entrepreneurs Have An Opportunity To Build Business Relationships and Make Better Business Decisions.

You can also present your products to a professional audience - Textile Buyers from all over the Asian Region.

Aquest any estem atraient molts participants exclusius, ja que les exposicions creixen cada any.

We organized dozens deals at the show.Take advantage of this opportunity!Take advantage of this opportunity!

Apply for our meeting organization service to find the right contacts! We helped more than 500 B2B meetings take place over 3 days during the exhibition.

Schedule for the opening of exhibition, speakers' speeches, coffee breaksModel shows and After-parties.

You need to stay on trend to avoid missing the chance to grow by gaining new contacts.

Tashkent Textile & Fashion Expo - This unique event brings together buyers, manufacturers and textile specialists. The main goal of the event is to show the latest trends.

Tashkent Fashion & Textile Expo – International Specialized Exhibition on Fashion, Textile, and Textile Equipment, to be held in Tashkent.

Hits: 654

Inscriu-te a les entrades o estands

Si us plau, registreu-vos al lloc web oficial de International Tashkent Textile Machinery Exhibition

Mapa del lloc i hotels al voltant

Tashkent - Centre d'exposicions Uzekspocentre, província de Taixkent, Uzbekistan Tashkent - Centre d'exposicions Uzekspocentre, província de Taixkent, Uzbekistan


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